Survival Swim for Toddlers: Introductory Skills for Parents

Welcome to our comprehensive online course designed to teach parents essential water safety and introductory survival swim techniques! This step-by-step program provides parents with the tools to build their child's confidence in the water, add a layer of water safety, and introduce them to our tried-and-true introductory techniques. This course is ideal for parents of children ages 1-3 and covers foundational skills like floating, breath control, kicks and reaching. Join now to empower your kiddo with introductory skills and promote water safety at home! 

What will I learn?

Drowning is the leading causes of death in children ages 1-4, but with the right knowledge and skills, you can prevent it. In this course, you'll learn how to teach your toddler introductory techniques in a fun, safe and confidence-building way. 


Key Learning Outcomes: 

  • The float: children will be introduced to floating on their backs in the horizontal position
  • Children will be introduced to breath control 
  • Children will be introduced to kicking and reaching
  • Children will be encouraged to enter, and exit, the water safely 
  • Children will be introduced to the horizontal swimming position

What's Included?

  • Step-by-step video lessons 
  • 24/7 access to course materials 
  • Lifetime access to course updates 

Why This Course?

Unlike traditional swim lessons, this course is focused on introductory survival techniques that are proven to add another layer of protection in water safety. It's designed for busy parents who want a flexible, at-home, introductory learning option that delivers results and readies their child for their 6-week survival swim course. It has been proven that children who take an introductory course like this, have a quicker turnaround in survival swim lessons as the first part of the lesson isn't spent on introduction. 


  • How long will it take my toddler to get acclimated to the water? 
    Every child is different which is why we love them so much! The great part about this course is that you can go at your own pace; we suggest at least three times per week in the pool. The longer you can go, the higher the success rate once they enter our survival swim program.
  • What if I don't live in your area? Where does my child go for survival swim lessons once completed with the course?
    Send us a message and let us know where you live, we will help you find an instructor in the Survival Swim Development Network! 
  • Do I need any special equipment?
    Nope! Just a pool and yourself! 
  • Can I take this course if my toddler is scared of water?
    This is the best reason to take the course! They will be with someone they know, love and trust to guide them through this introduction! 
  • Is this suitable for non-swimmer parents?
    We want to make sure each parent or guardian is comfortable in the pool; if that's not you, designate someone who is to teach this course.